Image from the A Heir collection.
Group. 'C' Squad of Pilots course26A, No. 1 Elementary Flying Training School, RNZAF Station Taieri.
L-R: Back; JM Mee, EJ Morrison, JD God, HJB Veint, SP Scales, CC Robertson.
Middle; BL Jackson, WF Thompson, WR Baillie, AN Caddie, KA McGregor, IJ Davis.
Front; GB McLeod, HW Farquharson, BEA Haugh, CH Henry, AC Beazer, AL Hickenbotham.
Image from the Trevor Owen Freeman personal collection.
Informal portrait of Wing Commander TO Freeman DSO DFC & Bar. Believed to be at Ondonga, New Georgia.
Image from the Charles Gordon Gladstone Prior personal collection.
Close view of a line up of Vincents or Vildebeests, believed to be at RNZAF Station Harewood.
Image from the Robert Lawrence Spurdle personal collection.
Air to air view of No. 263 Squadron Whirlwind P6969, HE-V in flight over England.
Original caption on the reverse reads "Photographs showing the Westland "Whirlwind", a twin-engined single-seater monoplane Fighter now operating with the R.A.F.. It is fitted with two Rolls-Royce "Peregrine" engines, each of 850 h.p. and its armament consists of four 20mm cannons mounted in the nose. The span is 45 ft. length 32 ft. 3 ins. and height 10 ft. 6ins. An interesting feature is the tail unit, the tail planes being placed well above the line of the fuselage and set in the high fin towards its upper extremity. The range of this fighter was indicated by the announcement in August, 1941, that "Whirlwinds" had formed part of the escort to the bomber force as far as Antwerp during the great daylight raid on Cologne. 5th March, 1942."
Informal portrait of a local man. Calcutta, India.
Appears to be a member of staff of an ANZAC Club?
Original negative register simply states "Flight Lieutenant A. Beadle. Calcutta." Unsure if this is the subject in the photo or the photographer, or both.
RNZAF service man with a local man preparing a joint of meat. Calcutta, India.
The man at left appears to be a member of staff of an ANZAC Club?
Original negative register simply states "Flight Lieutenant A. Beadle. Calcutta." Unsure if this is the subject in the photo or the photographer, or both.
RNZAF service man with a local man preparing a joint of meat. Calcutta, India.
The man at left appears to be a member of staff of an ANZAC Club?
Original negative register simply states "Flight Lieutenant A. Beadle. Calcutta." Unsure if this is the subject in the photo or the photographer, or both.
Unknown serviceman posing in front of sign. Unknown location in Fiji.
Sign reads "Moni Kila / ai Tikotiko ni Valu / Kevaka E Dua E Curu Vakailoa / Sana Totogi / Ka Sana Yadravi Tale Tu Ga." Also repeated in Hindi(?).
Google translate results with "Know the battlefield. If Someone Enters Illegally He Will Be Fined And Will Be Punished."