Negative from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
New Zealand Flying School staff and students preparing the Roberts-powered Walsh flying boat for flight. Kohimarama, Auckland.
Handwritten on album page "Roberts."
Image from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
New Zealand Flying School Curtiss flying boat being hauled up onto the beach at Kohimarama, Auckland.
Handwritten on the album page "Heave on Curtiss."
Image from the Keith Logan Caldwell personal album collection. Men dragging a Curtiss or Walsh-Curtiss flying boat up onto 'the hard' at the New Zealand Flying School, Kohimarama, Auckland.
Handwritten under the print "Back to the hangars".
Image from the Keith Logan Caldwell personal album collection.
Geoffrey G Callender in the cockpit of the Walsh 1915 Flying Boat. New Zealand Flying School, Kohimarama, Auckland.
Inscription reads: Jeff Calender 18/11/15.
Image from the Arnold Ewart William McDonald personal collection.
AEW McDonald (left) with a graduate of the New Zealand Flying School. Unknown location, believed to be in Jamaica.
Image from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
Aerial oblique view of Devonport from a New Zealand Flying School aircraft.
Handwritten on album page "Devonport 1000ft."
Image from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
Aerial oblique view of Kings Wharf from a New Zealand Flying School aircraft.
Handwritten on album page "Kings Wharf 300 ft."
Image from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
Aerial oblique view of a dredge ship in Waitemata Harbour, from a New Zealand Flying School aircraft.
Handwritten on album page "Dredge 300 ft."
Image from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
Aerial view of ships on Waitemata Harbour from a New Zealand Flying School Curtiss flying boat.
Handwritten on album page "600 ft in Curtiss."
Image from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
New Zealand Flying School staff and students hauling up the Caudron float plane. Kohimarama, Auckland.
Handwritten on the album page "Hauling up Caudron."
Image from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
New Zealand Flying School Curtiss flying boat on the water at Kohimarama, Auckland.
Handwritten on album page "Curtiss anchored."
Negative from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
New Zealand Flying School cook, Keen, sitting in the cockpit of a Curtiss flying boat. Kohimarama, Auckland.
Handwritten on album page "Keene [sic] in Curtiss."
Negative from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
New Zealand Flying School aircraft parked in the shallows. Kohimarama, Auckland.
Roberts-powered Walsh flying boat (left) and Curtiss flying boat (right).
Handwritten on the album page "Roberts & Curtiss."
Negative from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
New Zealand Flying School Curtiss flying boat being readied for a flight. Kohimarama, Auckland.
Negative from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
New Zealand Flying School Caudron float plane at the waters edge. Kohimarama, Auckland.
Negative from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
New Zealand Flying School Caudron float plane at the waters edge. Kohimarama, Auckland.
Image from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
Wreckage of the Caudron float plane, belonging to the New Zealand Flying School, Kohimarama, Auckland.
This aircraft crashed while being flown by AW Gordon and it was later rebuilt.
Image from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
New Zealand Flying School flying boat flying low over ships on the harbour. Kohimarama, Auckland.
Handwritten on the album page "Curtiss over scows. Near scow was wrecked next day."
Additional caption supplied by Bannerman "Curtiss flying over scows. The near one was wrecked a day or so afterwards."
Image from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
New Zealand Flying School Caudron near the waters edge at low tide, Kohimarama, Auckland.
Handwritten on album page "Low tide at Kohi."
Negative from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
Ground to air view of a New Zealand Flying School Curtiss flying boat with Rangitoto behind. Kohimarama, Auckland.
Negative from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
Ground to air view of a New Zealand Flying School Curtiss flying in flight. Kohimarama, Auckland.
Negative from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
Ground to air view of a New Zealand Flying School Curtiss flying boat with Rangitoto behind. Kohimarama, Auckland.
Negative from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
Ground to air view of a New Zealand Flying School Curtiss flying boat with Rangitoto behind. Kohimarama, Auckland.
Negative from the Ronald Burns Bannerman personal album collection.
Construction of the 'out-house' at the New Zealand Flying School, Kohimarama, Auckland.